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More than just managing fields & attributes, it's about how
Product Information helps keep your business connected.

It's all about Correct & Connected Experiences.

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We are in an increasingly demanding Experience Economy.​

As the lines blur between our traditional ideas of B2B and B2C and we face a world where digital shopping is a new 'norm', consumers are demanding even more from their online experiences.

As the base for all your transactions, it is more than the just the content itself but how it is created, how it is managed and how it connects, relevantly, to support the different needs of your teams, your suppliers and your customers.

The question, then, is not whether you need a focus on
Product Experience. Rather, it is a question of can you afford not to? 

What benefits could your Product Information deliver if it could -

  • Generate content more easily, leveraging AI to support creation?

  • Automate workflows to help govern content changes?

  • Ensure complete & correct content is presented to customers?

  • Enable more easily identification for order, pack & delivery efficiency?

  • Better integrate to support a variety of different publishing outputs?

  • Engage suppliers to more actively manage content for their range?


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What can
a greater focus
Product Experience help deliver?

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